Peace Rose Blooming
Click to hear MissyAnn’s Easter song on YouTube.
Hello! Recently, I noticed my temptation was to tip towards negative perspectives. All of a sudden I was missing beauty all around me. To see the good, to see what’s delicate, new, sacred, fleeting but exquisite, requires me to breathe, be present, be faithful and quite honestly, to tune out a lot of noise that makes it challenging for me to savor the magic of being alive.
As I sit down to write, it is Easter weekend. What I love about Easter and Spring is the celebration of new life. There are always aspects of life where things can seem tired, ways of being or thinking, stories I’m tired of retelling ~ so what does it look like to start again? To tell an old story in a new way? To start fresh? To bring new eyes, or hope to life? With a nudge from flowers blossoming, what does it mean to live boldly, to be courageous, to bloom?
For inspiration, I turn to the garden. The Peace Rose we planted a few months ago is full of opening flowers. Heart medicine. And beautiful. I believe we are each called to share our unique beauty and that the world needs it. Go team!
May Peace be with you ~ Kathleen
MissyAnn sings a song about overcoming darkness and celebrating a Peace Rose blooming.