Open my eyes that I may see...
My prayer each morning is that I may see the Beauty in the world around me. Open my eyes that I may see…
And when I do see something beautiful, can I take it in and receive it? Allowing myself to fill up on goodness and the miracle of the moment sets me free.
A more challenging ask I have is for me to sit and feel that breath of life within me, the spark, the specific, unique exhale from Spirit that ignited me and then to sparkle with that creativity!
When I do this… and it is a daily practice for me… the weight of hard things on my shoulders lifts, I breathe deeply, feel lighter, stand up straight, humble and hopeful.
Within this breath of life, can I feel God’s love, eternal, perfect, specific, never ending, always yearning for me to receive, answer the call of the eternal lover… and savor this love intimately and tenderly?
This Certain Love feeds all hunger.
I can start today.
May Peace be with you,
Psalm 146: The Lord feeds the hungry and sets the prisoner free. The Lord restores sight to the blind and straightens backs which are bent.
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