Here's a crumb... be thankful.
Butter sings about begging for love, being offered a crumb and being told to be thankful. How often do we find ourselves in this power dynamic with people? Trying extra hard for not much, again and again?
At the end of the song, a flower sends a petal as a gift to Butter, who receives the beauty into her heart. Butter’s blues disappear and she smiles again.
But before, before, her blues disappear she stops and listens to her internal longing for something better and prays for faith to believe that this is possible.
There is a specific moment when we turn away from crumbs and power struggles with humans and give power to the Divine and ask for Divine help.
To hear the whisper of the Divine deep within requires a pause, a breath, even hope… there must be something better. A thought-feeling ~ I must be worthy of something better. A trust in Divine goodness.
And then grace comes. Abundant and beautiful.
These tiny moments could be written off as coincidence… but I don’t believe they are. Who sent me that beautiful flower petal? The hawk that flew over head? That incredible sunrise on the mountain? The timing of sunlight on something beautiful can be so precise and fleeting… that I look over my shoulder. How did that happen, that way, like that, right then?
And yes, that’s exactly it. When I stop begging for crumbs from humans and open myself to the possibility of a playful, loving, generous, helpful Divine who is actively sending me signs of love and support… then I see the flower petal in my path, the hawk overhead, the sunshine on the mountain top… and these moments feel personal, significant, uplifting and loving.
An open invitation, sent again and again, to believe. To believe that something bigger cares about me a lot. And can and will help me a lot.
Open my eyes. Open my ears. Help me stop begging and help me receive the incredible love all around me.
May Peace be with you as you bring in the New Year! And may you feel the abundance of love that surrounds you.
And when we don’t feel or see or hear or know the way, may we be humble enough to ask for help.
Warmly and with love,